Flourishing In 2023

The 5/6 Learning Hub


In the 5/6 Learning Hub we have been focusing on our overarching topic, 'Participation'.

Our big question is-

How do we, as Catholic's, contribute to a just and fair world?

We have explored 'Participation' globally through learning about Caritas' Project Compassion stories. These can be found on the project compassion website.

We have also looked at 'Participation' at a more local level, including how we can participate in our school, community or home and what this looks like for different people (adults, children, leaders). This topic has been particularly important leading up to our combined schools fete. We are happy to have our students assisting in running our second hand book and toy stall. We have also been very pleased with how the 5/6 students have demonstrated participation and leadership within our school community, through fortnightly assemblies, our daily jobs on the yard/in class and how our Year 6 students have been excellent role models and supports for their Prep buddies. 



This term so far, our reading has been integrated with our faith-based inquiry unit for Participation through reading about people and their lives in project compassion stories. 

We have also just completed a class novel study on the novel, 'Storm Boy'. 

This text is about a boy and his father who live on the South Australian coast. The students loved learning about the interesting vocabulary in the text and following the sad story of a boy who has a love for nature and wildlife in his local environment. To celebrate finishing reading we will be watching the movie in class one day next week.

We are encouraging all students to practise reading aloud daily with our paired reading in class and we also encourage all students to read at home each day for at least 15 minutes a day. 

We have begun to write recommendations of books to add to our book recommendations wall so that we can also find other books that may interest us. 

You can see some of our book recommendations so far on this link.



So far this term we have focused on the following topics...

Statistics & Probability

Addition & Subtraction



Here are some images of our work in Mathematics so far...



We are really looking forward to our Urban Camp coming up on the 3rd and 4th of April. We can't wait to share our camp experiences with you all!