YMCA is having a colour change… Let the children know to look out for our purple shirts now. 😊


Welcome to another snap shot of what’s happening at YMCA OSCH. Can you believe it's March?...


We have new staff jumping on board that have teaching experience from our sister school, Elanora State School. Miss Bronwyn is a teacher aide there and Miss Danii is studying her Bachelor of Education at Griffith University. 


These past 8 weeks have gone very fast. Within this time, our little preps have developed a sense of belonging within the environment. Whilst we have developed relationships and built the program around their needs & likes, we are always open to feedback. Please let me know if your child is not settling into the YMCA rules and ways and we will adapt the program or environment to meet your child’s needs.   


Great news! I have the Vacation Care plan approved. This was relesased last Monday. YMCA has sent this via email and Story Park communication platform, so nobody misses out. 😊 


We hope you have enjoyed watching your children’s art emerging on display throughout the space. Miss Kate is determined to transform our service into a sea theme!

Art and craft experiences are very popular every ASC session. The children in Prep 1, 2 & 3 run to the art table every afternoon and are engrossed in this for hours. Sharing skills and building on their skill set is developing little leaders within our group. 


Boys can stich too… Threading needle work - great fine motor skill development.