P&C News 

Thank you to our amazing volunteers for their help at our Active School Travel launch and our second hand uniform sale. We hope everyone enjoyed their breakfast and stocking up on some uniforms for this year. Both mornings were very busy! You can continue to drop any uniform donations into our office as another sale will be held later in the year.


This week, we held our AGM and we are pleased to announce the executive committee members have all been re-elected for the same positions as last year:


President – Lucy Pritchard

Vice President – Fiona Luke

Treasurer – James Hill

Secretary – Corinne Campbell


With everyone's lives so busy with work and also after school commitments, we are so appreciative of any help which can be given to the P&C and the events which are created to support our school and children.


All memberships from 2022 have now lapsed. If you are interested in joining the P&C for this year (which is obligation free), please contact tallebudgerapandc@gmail.com for a form, collect from the office or download the attachment below.


What’s Coming Up?

Book Club Issue #2

Closes Friday 17 March



What you need to know!

  • Information will be making it's way home in school bags this week. 
  • Collect sponsors for aiming to spell word/s correctly.
  • Keep practicing the core list of words found on the participation note!
  • BE READY for a spelling bee in class beginning week 10.
  • Deposit any funds raised against your child's profile in Qkr.

This is an educational fundraiser supporting the Chaplaincy Program at our school, which fosters The Tally Way and student and staff well being.


Lucy Pritchard

P&C President