The Tally Way 

The Tally Way underpins everything we do at Tallebudgera. It has strong links to curriculum and helps to develop the whole child. The Tally Way is our culture. It’s in the classrooms, the playground and even the office. We live and breathe The Tally Way. Each fortnight, we have a focus that is taught from Prep to Year 6.


 This week we are learning about goal setting


Often when goals are set they are left and never re-visited or looked at again. We are providing the students with tools and strategies to help them set goals and showing them how powerful goal setting can be. 


What can you do at home to reinforce this learning? 


Discuss a time when you set a goal and achieved it. Did everything go to plan? Was it smooth sailing?  How did working towards a goal help you?



This link below will take you to YouTube to re-visit some clips about goal setting. 


Goal Setting 



Yours in HPE & Wellbeing

Keir Baker