
School Value




FMHugo LDo Your BestDee and I have noticed the amazing growth you are making. You always have a go and try your best. Keep up the awesome work! 
1/2AZachary EDo Your BestFor constantly thinking, reflecting and being open to changing your mind about things. You're a star!
1/2ETyler CDo your bestFor always trying your best and working hard to find the right spelling choices! It has been amazing seeing how hard you have been trying, Shelley and I are so proud. Keep it up!
3/4SXavier CDo your bestFor your awesome efforts on the NAPLAN tests this week, you have really tried your best Xavier! Keep up the amazing work!
3/4BAmelie THelp Others SucceedFor quietly attending to your work and helping without hesitation around our classroom. Your patience, positive manner and persistence does not go unnoticed! Thank you and great work Amelie!
5/6DKai LDo your bestFor taking on challenges outside your comfort zone. You have stepped up big time in Year Five in all learning and social areas and it’s brilliant to see. Keep it up!
5/6SAda MDo your BestFor the calm and persistent approach you show to all new learning challenges. You are a great role model for demonstrating a growth mindset within the classroom.
Plot to Pot KitchenHolly BHelping others succeedFor being a fantastic team player, ensuring everyone got a look in and helping to keep the team on track. Well done!
Plot to Pot GardenZoey TDo your bestFor tackling a bed full of weeds with enthusiasm and persistence. Thank you for your hard work.
Visual ArtsAldo CDo your bestFor your amazing work on your long legged penguin. Your focus and attention to detail was fantastic. Well done!
AuslanMattthew L For using your Auslan skills in the yard.
Performing ArtsViolet THelp others succeedYou have been working very well with others in group work. I have noticed that you will listen to others and help those around you. Excellent effort!
STEMLilliana SDo your bestAn excellent effort on your graph this week. You made good use of your time. Great job!