Principal Update

Thursday16th March



Last year our Student Voice Team (SVT) were instrumental in wanting to raise funds to put towards a gaga pit.  This was achieved through ‘Monday Munchies’.  This week the Emerald Men’s Shed have been magnificent in creating this for us.  It is still needing some finishing touches and we are going to decorate it with some class art.  We hope the students will love the new addition to the yard.  Thanks again to Tom, Alan and the crew from the Emerald Men’s Shed for their time, effort, energy and patience.

Next Tuesday we are going to have another free dress day as there is a bit going on for March 21


We are going to acknowledge that it will be Harmony Day with the theme of ‘living in harmony’ so students can wear orange


March 21 is also World Down Syndrome Day.  To celebrate this, we are encouraging students to wear crazy socks.  The colours blue and yellow bring awareness to down syndrome.  This won’t be a challenge for some of our students and it will bring joy to Wade in 56D who has down syndrome.  The theme this year is ‘With Us Not For Us’.  Please access this website if you want more information -

We are also going to be having some crazy hair too and will encourage students to colour their hair. We will be asking for a gold coin donation that will go to the Leukaemia Foundation’s ‘World’s Greatest Shave’ as our students and staff want to show their support for staff member Kate Watkins and her family as Arthur is currently undergoing treatment.  Go to for more information.


It should be a colourful and crazy day full of colour!


Welcome to Ray

This year our students have been having their weekly PE lessons with Ray.  Ray has been a regular CRT with us from late last year and has been successful in his application to take PE this term and next.

Updated Bushfire Information

We have received updated emergency management information this week from the Department of Education.  Please see a separate news feed about this communication. 


We are classified as category 3 school on the BARR (Bushfire At-Risk Register) and will only be closed on days where the fire danger rating is Catastrophic in the central fire district.


Closure of our school due to a forecast Catastrophic day will be confirmed on the day prior and we will provide you with advice before the end of the school day. Any information regarding potential or confirmed Catastrophic fire danger days will be communicated to you by a news feed notification via Compass and a SMS text message.



We do have Assembly tomorrow at 2:45pm.  This will hopefully be in the greenspace and we are looking forward to presenting our Year 6 students with their 2023 jackets and badges.



Dale McInerney