Year 2 Update

2A-Ms Middlebrook    2B-Ms Crowe    2C Ms Maund 

2D-Ms Bond     2E-Ms Jones & Ms Camilleri

2A Ms Middlebrook
2B Ms Crowe
2C Ms Maund
2D Ms Bond
2E Ms Jones
2E Ms Camilleri
2A Ms Middlebrook
2B Ms Crowe
2C Ms Maund
2D Ms Bond
2E Ms Jones
2E Ms Camilleri

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in thefollowing areas:


SubjectLearning Focus
English/ReadingWeek 10: We will continue to explore a range of texts that include sounds and heart words as part of our Little Learners Love Literacy program. Students will participate in a range of reading activities that will support them in developing their phonological awareness. 
English/WritingWeek 10: Students will finalise their term 1 writing pieces and explore narrative writing relating to Easter.
MathsWeek 10: Students will be re-visiting what has been learnt this term in number patterns and place value.
Inquiry (Health)Week 10: Students will be able demonstrate what they have learnt about health this term and we celebrate the end of our health unit with a special viewing session.
Social & Emotional LearningWeek 10: Students will be given opportunities to demonstrate fairness and resilience through class games and activities.


News and Reminders

  • Happy last week of school. School finishes this Thursday at 2.30pm. Students will still require their snack and lunch and will finish up after the lunch break.
  • Little Learners Love Literacy - Take home books MUST be returned to school and changed every week, along with their sign in books to be checked by the classroom teachers. If you are having difficulties with this please contact your child's teacher. 
  • We hope all families have a restful 2 week break and take the time for quality family time, ready for a packed full term 2. 

Celebration of Learning

2A Number fun
2B Learning to keep healthy
2B Learning to keep healthy
2B Learning to keep healthy
2B Learning to keep healthy
2B Learning to keep healthy
2D Adnan handwriting
Harry 2D having fun at Family Fun Night
2E Bailey practising his handwriting
2E practising their handwriting
2E practising their handwriting
2E practising their handwriting
2E practising their handwriting
Year 2 House sports - 3 legged races
2A Number fun
2B Learning to keep healthy
2B Learning to keep healthy
2B Learning to keep healthy
2B Learning to keep healthy
2B Learning to keep healthy
2D Adnan handwriting
Harry 2D having fun at Family Fun Night
2E Bailey practising his handwriting
2E practising their handwriting
2E practising their handwriting
2E practising their handwriting
2E practising their handwriting
Year 2 House sports - 3 legged races