Prep Update

Prep A-Miss Hope, Prep B-Miss Papa, Prep C-Mrs Lloyd, Prep D-Mrs Herres, Prep E-Ms Rhimes.

Miss Hope
Miss Papa
Mrs Lloyd
Mrs Herres
Ms Rhimes
Miss Hope
Miss Papa
Mrs Lloyd
Mrs Herres
Ms Rhimes

Upcoming learning 

During the last week of Term 1, Prep students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:


Week 10: We will engage in daily Phonics lessons, focusing on the letter sound /i/ following the Little Learners Love Literacy sequence. 

We will be learning all about rhyming words, which includes word families. 


Week 10: We will engage in weekly fine motor activities. 

We will learn the correct letter formation of /i/ and review our sounds from the term.

MathsWeek 10: We will be focusing on patterns, how to copy and continue a pattern. 



Week 10: We celebrated the end of our identity unit by making a 'special memory' artwork. 
Social and Emotional Week 10: The focus is respecting our own and other's personal space bubbles.

News and reminders 

  • Blue reader bags and phonics books:
    Prep teachers will be updating your child's phonics books over the school holidays. This means that they will not go home with your child this week. They will be ready to go at the start of term 2.  If you have any questions about this, please let your child's teacher know. We are always happy to help! 
  • Thank you for your ongoing support this term! Prep students have made such a wonderful start to school and we are very proud of them! 
    We hope that you have a great school holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in term 2!

Celebration of learning

Using our sound knowledge
To write words
In Prep B
Using our sound knowledge
To write words
In Prep B
Some teachwork in Prep C
... and Mrs Lloyd with Brodie Grundy!
Some teachwork in Prep C
... and Mrs Lloyd with Brodie Grundy!
Team work in Prep E
Finding shapes in our environment
Using the IPad to take photos of shapes
Team work in Prep E
Finding shapes in our environment
Using the IPad to take photos of shapes
Guided drawing in Prep D
Who can make the highest block tower?
Guided drawing in Prep D
Who can make the highest block tower?
Making patterns
in the environment
with Prep A
Making patterns
in the environment
with Prep A