Sustainable snapshot

By Miss Dunstan

Sustainable initiatives happening at Hillsmeade. 

We have some very exciting programs and sustainable competitions coming up at Hillsmeade and we would like to encourage all of our students and families to get involved. 

Easter egg & bunny foil ball competition

Students in each class have been given the task of collecting the aluminium foil from their Easter eggs and bunnies over the next few weeks and creating a giant foil ball for their class. 

Aluminium foil is recyclable but small pieces of foil get lost in the recycling process. To stop the aluminium getting lost in the recycling process it needs to be scrunched up into a tennis ball size. Students are encouraged to collect their Easter egg and bunny foil in one flat piece and bring it in to add to their classroom ball. The competition will end on the first Friday of Term 2. 


For more information about our recycling ball competition watch the below video: 

Wonder bread bag recycling program

Next term we will also start collecting empty bread bags as part of the Wonder Recycling program. Wonder has partnered with APR Plastics to recycle the soft plastic bread bags into an oil that is reused to create food grade packaging, creating a circular economy. 

You can start collecting your empty bread bags at home now and bring them in next term to add to our collection. The more bread bags we collect the more points we earn which we can redeem for sports equipment! 

More information in the below video: