Student Leaders 2023
Sport Leaders
Message from our SRC Leaders Mahli & Lex
Hi i'm Mahli, being an SRC leader is a huge role to take on, but Lex and I have stepped into it very quickly. It's very fun but also can be scary when talking in assembly. I love this role so much and it's going well so far. I can't wait for the year ahead of me and will try to improve the school as much as I can. - Mahli
I like being an SRC leader because I love going to meetings and making the school a better place. I also like going to assemblies and have more responsibility. I also get to hang out with fellow leaders, and I love to help organise events, for example Active Thursdays. - Lex
Our Student Leaders attended the GRIP Student Leader Conference in the city last week.
Learning Leaders
House Leaders
SRC Leaders