Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...

Whole School

Book Week Reminder

This is a reminder that we have our Book Week Parade on Friday, August 25th. Please encourage your child to dress up as their favourite book character this Friday, August 25th. See the School Leaders page for further information.


Mathseeds Prime (Prep to Year 2 families)

Families may have noticed that an option called Mathseeds Prime is now available on the Mathseeds website. Our Maths Leader is currently investigating and trialling this resource. We will likely be using Mathseeds Prime as an extension tool for some students towards the end of Year 2 when they have finished all the regular Mathseeds lessons. We therefore ask that students do not access Mathseeds Prime at home. Completing one Mathseeds lesson provides plenty of revision of school topics. Thank you for your understanding.



High Frequency Words 

By the end of Term 3, Prep students are expected to read  between 30 to 100 high frequency words independently to be at expected benchmarks.  


To support students to reach this benchmark, they will receive a list of words learnt at school via Seesaw. They should practise reading their high frequency words at home nightly alongside their weekly reading. 


If your child is particularly confident with their high frequency words, they are encouraged to:

  • Spell the words independently.
  • Use the words in sentences.
  • Identify and explore the meaning of challenging words in the books they read.


We have been very impressed with our youngest learners completing their homework. Many have also been accessing Seesaw nightly. 


Please see below a recommended structure for home learning time each night


If you require any support with home learning support for your child, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's classroom teacher via email.


Prep A Miss Mak:

Prep B Mr James:

Prep C Mr Ben:

Year 1


Mathseeds Homework

Thank you for your continued support with your child's homework. As a reminder, students only need to complete one Mathseeds lesson a week (no Mathseeds Prime). A homework week starts on Sunday. Students have until the Saturday to complete their one lesson. This means students can work on their homework during the week. Please refer to the picture below to see how a student has completed their Mathseeds homework correctly.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's teacher. 


Building Access

Once it's past 3:30pm, access to Level 2 becomes restricted for students and families. In case your child has left any belongings on that floor, rest assured they will be securely stored there until the following day, as the doors are locked overnight. We kindly request your ongoing assistance in reminding your child not to attempt entry to the level after this designated time. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 

Year 2

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 28th August: A Bright Idea In-Visit


Parent Volunteers:

Our Year 2 students will be participating in an in-visit called A Bright Idea. This will run from 9:30am to 3:15pm on Monday 28th August. In preparation for this, we are looking for expressions of interest from our Year 2 families who would like to volunteer their support. If you are interested, please send an email to your child's teacher.


School Accessories

Please support your child in wearing South Melbourne PS accessories to complement their school uniform. This includes navy blue or green hair accessories, school logo beanie and school logo jackets and raincoats. Thank you for your support with this.  

Year 3

Dates to Remember:

  • Wednesday 30th August: Legoland Excursion
  • Thursday 31st August at 6pm: Year 3/4 Camp Parent Information Night
  • Wednesday 13th September – Friday 15th September: Year 3/4 Camp


Camp Parent Information Night

The countdown is on to Year 3/4 Camp with only a few short weeks to go! In order to ensure families and their students feel ready for camp, please attend the upcoming Parent Camp Information Night on Thursday, August 31st at 6:00 pm on Webex. Families will be able to learn about what to bring and not bring, what their child will do on camp, and what conversations to have before camp to ensure their child has a successful camp experience! Attached below is the camp packing list.



This term we have started to see students earning their gold certificates on Mathletics. 18 students have earned their gold certificate in Year 3! A gold certificate is achieved by earning over 1000 points for 20 weeks. What an amazing effort these students are displaying! This shows dedication to their learning and helps them to develop their maths knowledge and skills each week. You can check your child's progress towards a certificate by looking on their Mathletics account. 



This week in Year 3, over 10 iPads have run out of battery during the school day. Whilst devices are not used for every learning activity, it does have an impact on a student’s ability to access and complete their learning. Each day our devices might be used for Seesaw activities, reading on myON or programs such as Maths Invaders. Please support your child to ensure their device is fully charged each day. 

Year 4

Dates to Remember:

  •  Thursday 31st August at 6pm: Year 3/4 Camp Parent Information Night
  • Wednesday 13th September – Friday 15th September: Year 3/4 Camp



During the latest Uniform Spot Check, 79% of Year 4 students were wearing the correct school uniform. It was fantastic to see 100% of students with the correct SMPS jacket or jumper. 10 out of 77 students did not have the correct shoes. Please ensure your child has black, polishable shoes. 



At this point in the term, your child should have approximately 70% of their Accelerated Reader target. Please ask your child to show you how they are progressing by logging on to their progress page on our learning program; Renaissance. Year 4 students are expected to complete 30 minutes of reading at home each day.


Camp Parent Information Night

The countdown is on to Year 3/4 Camp with only a few short weeks to go! In order to ensure families and their students feel ready for camp, please attend the upcoming Parent Camp Information Night on Thursday, August 31st at 6:00 pm on Webex. Families will be able to learn about what to bring and not bring, what their child will do on camp, and what conversations to have before camp to ensure their child has a successful camp experience! Attached below is the camp packing list.

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Thursday 24th August: Basketball Gala Day at MSAC
  • Friday 25th August: Book Week Parade
  • Thursday 14th September: Grade 5 Travel Expo  


School Shoes:

We kindly ask that you are ensuring to send your children to school wearing black, polishable shoes. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to your child's class teacher. 


Travel Expo: 

During Humanities lessons, the Year 5 students have been working on a project based on a country of their choice within a group. On Thursday the 14th of September from 9am-11am, the Travel Expo will be taking place on Level 4. We would like to invite the Year 5 parents and guardians to the expo. Families are not required to stay for the entire time. If you are interested, please meet in the ground floor foyer at 9:00am on 14th Septemberfor further directions. We understand that this day and time may not suit everyone, however we look forward to welcoming those who are able to attend on the day. 

Year 6

Dates to Remember:

  •  Thursday 24th August: Basketball Gala Day at MSAC


Basketball Gala Day:

Please remember to pack lots of snacks and drinks to stay hydrated throughout the day. If you have not yet given consent for your child to attend, we kindly ask that you please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions or wonderings about the day, feel free to reach out to your child's class teacher.