The College issues Progress Reports at regular intervals throughout the year, with the aim of indicating any concerns the teacher has in relation to behaviour and effort. Given that next week is only Week 7 of Term 1, progress marks may not be available for all middle-school electives and languages. You are reminded that as assessments are marked and finalised, results will be accessible via SEQTA Engage.
Parents will be able to access their child’s first Progress Report via SEQTA from 6:00pm on Thursday 16 March (Week 7). Where a teacher interview request is indicated on the report, you are encouraged to enter Parent Teacher Online (PTO) and book an interview with the teacher.
The first iteration of Learning Conferences will take place on Thursday 23 March and involve all year groups. The day will comprise of both face-to-face and remote offerings, with interview slots eight minutes in duration.
- Thursday 16 March, 6:00pm - PTO open to parents/caregivers with teacher interview requests
- Saturday 18 March, 6:00pm - PTO open to all parents/caregivers
- Wednesday 22 March, 8:00am - PTO closed. Late booking requests will not be accepted.
- Thursday 23 March - Learning Conferences
8:50am - 12:30pm: Face-to-face interviews (Koort Centre)
1:20pm - 3:10pm: Face-to-face interviews (Koort Centre)
4:00pm - 7:50pm: Remote interviews
Instructions for accessing PTO:
- Enter PTO HERE.
- Click 'Obtain PIN/Password' and enter the email address you have previously provided to the College.
- Your PIN will be emailed to you. The email you receive will include a link that can be clicked on to log straight into PTO, bypassing the login screen.
Parents/caregivers who make one or more bookings for remote interviews will receive an email on Wednesday 22 March containing link/s to access the online meeting/s.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It is a nationwide measure through which parents/caregivers, teachers, schools, education authorities, governments and the broader community can determine whether or not young Australians are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.
Sacred Heart College's NAPLAN Assessment Dates:
- Writing - Wednesday 15 March
- Reading - Friday 17 March
- Conventions of Language - Monday 20 March
- Numeracy - Tuesday 21 March
Year 7 students will sit their NAPLAN assessments during Periods 1 and 2, and Year 9 students during Periods 3 and 4. Students involved in the ACC Swimming Training Day on Monday 20 March will sit their NAPLAN assessment earlier on this day.
If you would like more information about NAPLAN, please visit or read the NAPLAN Information for Parents and Carers 2023 brochure.
Parents/caregivers of students in Years 10-12 are reminded that students who miss an assessment for a valid reason (e.g., illness) will be required to submit a Medical Certificate to their Assistant Deputy Principal (ADP). Additionally, students are required to complete a ‘catch-up’ assessment in MLC9 (old gym) upon their return to school. Catch-up assessment time offerings are as follows:
- Mondays: 7:45am – 8:35am
- Thursdays: 7:45am – 8:35am
A Medical Certificate and a catch-up assessment are required for the student to receive a standardised mark for the missed assessment.
Students in Years 11 and 12 and their parents/caregivers are reminded that changing subjects or pathways is less feasible as time goes on. Students in Year 11 who wish to make subject changes should see Mrs Rachel Allsop or Ms Amanda Knox and students in Year 12 should see Mrs Wiesia Collins or me as soon as possible. All requests for subject changes must be made via the Subject Change Request form – the link to which can be found on the top of the PCG Teams page for Years 11 and 12. No changes will be processed unless the online subject change form has been completed.
Due to several factors, students and parents/caregivers should also be aware that not all subject change requests can be accommodated.
The SCSA deadline for Year 12 subject changes is Thursday 30 March. The school cannot guarantee that requests made for subject changes after Friday 24 March will be processed in time.
The Year 12 Information Handbook 2023, Part 1, is now available to view and download from the SCSA website.
A student may enrol to sit an ATAR course examination as a non-school candidate in the event that the individual is a Year 12 student who is:
- Undertaking language course examinations through interstate language offerings where the course is not offered by the school, or
- Undertaking the French, German and/or Italian Background Language or Chinese: First Language examinations where the course is not offered by Sacred Heart College.
Any student wishing to pursue this should see me immediately as applications for enrolments as non-school candidates in ATAR course examinations must be submitted to SCSA by Thursday 30 March.
Mr Michael Chiera
Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning