To create any great experience for our students, we must start at the beginning, that is, with excellent planning.
Ensuring all 1,471 students were exactly where they were meant to be this week, and all contingencies are catered for, takes a team of professional staff working towards a common goal. We strived to make certain that each student gained something valuable out of Heart Week.
The pinnacle of Heart Week was the Year 12 Retreat. To dedicate three days to go on Retreat with our Year 12 students indicates the high priority we place on this experience. It is a time when every student is given the opportunity to take time out to reflect on their life, to assess their relationships and the importance of family. New friendships are forged, old friendships are strengthened, and most students come away with a deeper understanding of their peers. It’s a time to take a big breath before they get swept up in exams, apprenticeships, and the year that lies ahead.
More importantly, the retreat is a time for Year 12 students to deepen their faith and explore their own understanding of God whilst recognising Jesus’ continuing presence in the world. I was most impressed with how all students were deeply engaged in the retreat program. Through the Year 12 Student Exit Survey at the conclusion of the academic year, our Year 12s often mention the retreat as a highlight of their years at the College. I am sure that this will also be the case this year.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Campus Minister, Mr Chris Kan and Assistant Deputy Principal (ADP) - Year 12, Mrs Wiesia Collins, for organising the 2023 Year 12 Retreat, the site leaders as listed below and all staff who gave their time so willingly, away from family and friends, for this important event.
- Bindoon led by Mrs Sandra Manning
- Bullsbrook led by Mr Jarrad Quartermaine
- Fairbridge led by Miss Michelle Moreton
- Baldivis led by Mr Tom Gravestock
It wasn’t just our Year 12 students away this week. Simultaneously, on the other end of the scale, our Year 7 Camp was also running at Fairbridge.
The Boarders' Lawn was buzzing on both Wednesday and Thursday mornings with excited Year 7 students waiting to leave for their camp. All students seemed to have enjoyed the activities provided, with some stepping outside their comfort zone, overcoming fears and challenging themselves. To these students, I would like to say "well done". We cannot underestimate the skills all students develop through their involvement with this camp, be it organisational, being away from home and growing friendships. While one group went to camp, the other group of Year 7s took part in a mini retreat at St Mary’s Cathedral in the City and Highgate/Mt Lawley.
Thank you to ADP - Year 7, Mr Justin Whitt, Year 7 PCG teachers, teachers and support staff for a wonderful three days.
Our Year 10s were given time away from their studies this week to look to the future and explore what that might look like for them. The students were also encouraged to develop independence and use public transport to get to either Edith Cowan University or the Careers Workshop at the Ibis Perth Hotel. Thank you to Mr Tony Budas, ADP - Year 10 and Head of Careers, Mrs Julie Bertolucci for their organisation of Life Skills Week.
YEARS 8, 9 AND 11
Students in Year 11 were involved in a wide myriad of activities this week, ranging from academic talks by Vice Principal, Mr Lucio Cicchini, HAAS Subject Presentations and English tip talks, CareerLink logbook conversations, QR hunt activity, mindfulness, resilience, health and wellbeing activities and a deeper dive into our three Core Values.
Year 9 students were busily involved in part of our Keeping Safe Curriculum, which focused on bullying. PCGs explored our 2023 theme of ‘Mission’ and students enjoyed sessions in self defence, Zumba, yoga and a bootcamp. Wednesday afternoon was hive of activity with the House Quiz in the Koort Centre.
The Year 8s had a guest speaker from ySafe in the Chapel speaking about cyber safety. We also offered sessions in the areas of Positive Psychology, a performance by the Theatrical Response Group, first aid focus sessions, a beach clean up and a House Quiz. A number of the Year 8 students had morning tea with members of our community in The Hywood Room, exploring intergenerational ideas and lifestyles. One gentleman remarked that he felt stories were being lost and it was so lovely to connect with young people.
I would like to thank in particular:
- All our Assistant Deputy Principals (Mr Justin Whitt, Mr Brett Dayman, Mr Adrian Goh, Mr Tony Budas, Mrs Rachel Allsop and Mrs Wiesia Collins);
- All PCG teachers;
- Support staff - Mrs Nicola Green, Mrs Maria Sodano, Mrs Rosanna Hywood, Mrs Julie Eaton and Mrs Helen Grujic;
- Community Relations team;
- Education Support Assistants;
- Vice Principal, Mr Lucio Cicchini;
- Deputy Principal - Community, Mrs Sandra Manning;
- Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning, Mr Michael Chiera;
- Campus Minister, Mr Chris Kan, for the countless hours that went into making sure this week ran smoothly;
- All presenters and staff who ran sessions or volunteered to supervise students;
- Mrs Liza Baskovich and our parent volunteers for assisting with the sausage sizzle at lunchtime on Wednesday.
I cannot express enough thanks to each and every staff member who was involved in some shape or form this week. I feel I will do a disservice to staff if I try and mention all involved. The old adage "many hands make light work" is an understatement.
The next P&F Meeting will take place on Monday 13 March at 7:00pm in The Hywood Room (Staff Room). Again, I would like to strongly encourage parents and caregivers to take some time out of busy schedules to attend this meeting and support your P&F. It is my hope to raise awareness about the importance of this committee and see it grow and develop over the years to come.
All P&F Executive positions will be formalised on Monday night and a parent/caregiver will be nominated to be the P&F Representative on the Advisory Council to ensure that the link between these two important bodies is maintained. I would like to thank our community members who have nominated for Executive positions and appreciate the time involved with each role.
As part of the proceedings on Monday night, the group will be given a tour of our new Yarning Circle, which is yet to be officially opened.
If you would like to know more about the P&F, please CLICK HERE or email Deputy Principal - Mrs Sandra Manning, on .
I would like to wish new HAAS Department staff member, Ms Nicole Xouris, a warm SHC welcome. Nicole has a wealth of experience and is replacing Ms Gemma Kidby who recently resigned.
2023 TOURS
The first of our overseas tours to take place in recent years will be the NASA Tour leaving on Wednesday 28 June. Thank you Head of Gifted and Talented, Mrs Tanya Atherton for organising this exciting tour and continuing to keep those involved updated. Along with 22 students, Mr Michael Chiera and Mr Julien Hunt will join Tanya on this tour.
As the year progresses, we will announce more overseas tours as we finalise arrangements.
God Bless.
Mr Leo Di Gregorio