Greetings from Canberra,


Knowing that we were the first grade 6’s going to Canberra we felt very excited but a tiny bit nervous. It turned out all those nerves were for nothing because we had a fantastic time. 


Tuesday was our first day of activities. It started with a trip to the war memorial, where we participated in a wreath laying ceremony and learnt about our war veterans, the holocaust and some interesting stories about the different wars Australia has participated in. Our next stop on our Canberra adventure was Government House. Here we met the Governor General, learnt about the medals of honor, explored the grounds and we spent some time wishing our house was that big! Next we went to one of the best spots we've ever been to, Parliament House! We participated in a role play where we acted out what it would be like to pass a bill and it was a real treat to see Anthony Albonese in action in the House of Representatives. After dinner we got the chance to beat Mr Brown at bowling (good job Luisa). It was lots of fun for everyone.


Wednesday’s energy turned up a whole notch. We visited the Royal Australian Mint, the AIS and walked the ANZAC Day Parade! At the Royal Australian Mint we learnt about the history of Money, how it’s made and some students took the opportunity to get a souvenir $1 coin made. The AIS was so much fun. Here we tried a variety of different olympic sports including Wheelchair Racing, Skiing, Soccer, Cycling, Basketball and Arm Wrestling. Mr T and Miss McKay also battled it out for the fittest teacher. You can guess who won. Finally we walked the ANZAC parade and learnt about the different wars Australia has been a part of. We finished the day off with a trip to CISAC for swimming and slides. 


Thursday, whilst we were very tired, we powered on. We learnt about the story of Canberra,  visited the High Courts and went to Questacon. During the story of Canberra we learnt about the battle between Melbourne and Sydney to be the capital and how they eventually decided on Canberra to be our Capital with the condition that it had to be 100 miles from Sydney. At the High Courts we learnt how a lawsuit would be passed up through the courts and about a very peculiar case involving a lady suing Woolworths over a hot chip (spoiler alert, she won!)


Finally, the highlight of our camp, Questacon! At Questacon we did lot’s of activities. The clear favourite was the free fall where we went down a really big and steep slide, it felt like we were in zero gravity. We finished off a great day with a talent show. It was great to see our peers have the confidence to perform in front of an audience. Congratulations to The Sunshine Bros and The Candy Girls for taking out the title this year.

Overall we have had an incredible week, we just need to survive an 8 hour bus ride home now!


To the weekend and beyond,

Milly, Harrison, Benji and Luisa