P&F News

Dads in the Great Southern (DIGS)

DIGS is an opportunity for fathers and father figures whose children attend Great Southern Grammar to connect, get to know one another, tap into resources to help their children learn and grow, and have some fun experiences as a group along the way!


The DIGS group sits within the Parents’ and Friends’ Association and was established with encouragement from The Fathering Project - an organisation established with the aim of supporting fathers, and father figures, to be the best parent they can be so their children can thrive.  Check out thefatheringproject.org


DIGS will hold a number of events throughout the year - some just for dads and father figures to connect, some that might pass on a bit of useful fathering knowledge from experts and those who have been there before, and some aimed at providing memorable experiences for fathers and father figures to share with their kids.

Save the Dates

Wednesday 22 March from 6.30pm - Informal welcome event

All fathers and father figures are welcome.  Upstairs Dining Room at the Premier Hotel , where you can purchase your own drinks and a meal. Brief presentation around 7.45pm if you can’t make it for dinner. RSVP is not essential if you can’t commit until the last minute but if you’re a definite then please message David to advise as the venue has requested some indication of numbers.


Saturday 13 May to Sunday 14 May - Camp-out

Saturday night camp-out on the school grounds for dads and kids.


Mums - make sure those dates go on the calendar!



  • Luke Murnane - DIGS President
  • David Marshall  - DIGS Coordinator, 0418 924 176

Mr David Marshall | DIGS Coordinator