From the Chaplain

I had an interesting day last week with the Year One Christian Studies class.  Some of the conversations we had were: 


Child one: God isn’t real. 

Child two: Yes he is. 

Child one: Well why can’t I see him? 

Child two: Because he is in heaven.

Child three: When I die will I see him?

Me: Yes, you will see him. 

Child three: Yessssss (and thumps the air). 


We had a chapel service after this and I normally would have 20 minutes after this class to get ready but there was a delay. With 10 minutes to go, I realised I would not be ready on time and that I had to get to my room to get some things for chapel. I had no choice but to take the Year Ones with me. We had made some doves with streamer tails to remind us of God’s peace. I quickly gathered all the students and raced them to my room. I had all my books, leftover streamers and computer in my arms and one student had Alan the dog. It was hilarious really. We bolted across the quadrangle with students ‘flying’ their birds in the air with streamers blowing behind them and darting through the water sprinklers (no matter how many times I told them not to get wet). I had forgotten that they had the birds and that they hadn’t put them in their bags. We eventually made it to my room and they all followed me inside the little room in dead silence and with big smiles on their faces. They all wanted to get a glimpse of what was inside Mrs Cooper’s room. I picked up my chapel things and we raced to the hall ready for chapel. They all thought it was great fun. 


Being with this group of kids just makes me smile as they are so precious. I know how much God loves them and would be enjoying their beautiful smiles and laughter. Jesus said to his disciples, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” Luke 18:16. Jesus welcomed the children into his arms and then blessed them. Children are a gift from God and we should be grateful to be in their lives like I am. 


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain