Senior Unit
Miss Eade, Mrs Lupa and Mrs Trewick
Senior Unit
Miss Eade, Mrs Lupa and Mrs Trewick
Could parents please provide a set of headphones for their child to support their learning at school.
The senior students have been focusing on 2D and 3D shapes.We have created anchor charts and completed ‘guess who” questions about shape. It has been really exciting and interactive. One of the most challenging parts of this was creating 2D and 3D shapes using playdough and match sticks.
Having the opportunity for the Year 6 students to meet every fortnight is wonderful. This week was extra special as the year 5 and 6 students met with our prep to help teach them some team games. It was wonderful watching students play respectfully and safely, whilst maintaining safety for all. It was a fabulous session.
Our Religion unit on Reconciliation has given us the opportunity to create and design our own symbols of this sacrament. There are many symbols that we have included in this very important occasion for Catholics.
Here are several examples of our Reconciliation designs, courtesy of Corey, Maya, Mila and Matilda.
The senior classes are currently working on the novel “Once” by Morris Gleitzman. This is a fiction novel, based on true historical events. Whilst we understand that this novel touches on “sensitive” and adult themes. This book delves deeply into the resilience of a young boy named “Felix” and his adventures in his survival throughout the Holocaust. Some children have found this novel to be very confronting, however the follow up Literacy activities are very interesting. This may be the perfect opportunity to have open discussions with your child at home.