Junior Unit
Miss McNamara, Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Junior Unit
Miss McNamara, Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Could parents please provide a set of headphones (labelled) for their child to support their learning at school.
We have been looking at our identity. We made posters to show things we love and made an artwork of ourselves, we have been discussing how we are similar/different and how we can still be friends with people who are different to us.
This week we have started our unit ‘I am special, so are you’. We started by looking at ‘Koala Lou’ by Mem Fox and made name artworks to look at how we are all unique and special.
Monday was our very first assembly, we did a wonderful job of showing how we do 5 L’s. Well done to our week 1-5 award recipients!
PBIS - Popcorn Party
As a class we have enough Gotcha tickets that we were able to vote on what reward we wanted to spend our tickets on, the majority voted on a popcorn party. This included playing party games (bobs & statues and pass the parcel), our classroom decked out in party decorations and everyone getting popcorn.
Year 1/2
During our Inquiry learning this week we used a Venn diagram as a Graphic Organiser to identify what is the same and different about each other. We worked with a partner to share our ideas about what makes us unique, such as how many people in our family, where we live or have lived , our hair colour, things we like to eat/do/read/watch, our favourite animals, sports, movies and hobbies and even how we travel to school. It was fun to learn about each other!