Messages from Mrs Trewick


Dear Parents and Carers


Our welcome night is coming around quickly. We hope to be able to connect with most families on this night. Due to the constraints of our grounds at the moment, we have been secured the Rochester Golf Club in Black Culvert Road.



Student Leaders

On Monday we launched our Student Leadership program. We are thrilled to be able to work with our Grade 6 children in many areas of our school and community.

Building Update

Things have slowed down now we are back onsite. We are having a few challenges restoring the next building, however, we have many people working in the background for us!


GOOD NEWS is that the PAVILION will be ready for Term 2, Day 1. 

  •  Staff will spend Thursday 6 April finishing off the sorting, moving and organising of resource being stored.
  • During the holidays the restorers will clean the PAVILION so the surface is clean and ready for students

There are a few dates to look forward to:

Thursday 23 March - Welcome Night (see notice above)

Tuesday 28 & Wednesday 29 March - Learning Conversations (will be on PAM by Wednesday 15 March)

  • If the times offered for Learning Conversations do not suit, please make contact with your child's teacher to organise a mutually convenient time to meet.

Take care and stay in touch.

