Sporting News 

Bike Ed

On Tuesday 20 August, classes from 7G and 8E had their first Bike Ed lesson. We watched a video on how to ride our bikes safely on the roads. We also learnt bike safety and road rules when riding a bike.

The classes were then split up into 3 groups -  super confident,  in the middle and not so confident. Each group had their own task to complete, for example: maneuvering our bikes around obstacles and riding the bikes up and down the synthetic turf at the back rugby field, no only that but we had the chance to teach other people to ride and to be comfortable on bikes. We all had fun riding and learning about bikes and we are looking forward to our next lesson.

Grace 8E, Joanna 8E, Janica 7G, Lavinia7G

Wyndham District Athletics

On Thursday 29 August, 46 students will representing the College at the Wyndham District Athletics. Congratulations to the following students on making the team and we wish them the best of luck in their events.