From the Counsellors

Creating high impact conversations

As the school year draws to a close there will be increased opportunities to spend a lot more time with your children. Do you at times struggle to communicate with your kids in a way that is positive, meaningful and where you both believe you are benefitting from the conversations? Whether they are still young or adolescent, do you often consider there might be different or even better ways to connect with your children?  We have both been privileged to attend Professional Learning sessions presented by Melbourne Clinical Psychologist, Andrew Fuller (see About Andrew Fuller below) who focuses on the topics of the Neuroscience of Learning and on Resilience Building in Children. In July this year, he presented 'Creating High Impact Conversations' to the Generation Next Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference in Adelaide. We hope you might find at least some if not all of it enlightening. 

Andrew states, 'The number one most powerful tool for creating impactful conversations with young people is: 

 - Drop everything to be available to talk to 

 - Be authentic and open up your ears 

There are three ways of listening:

- For content

- For process

- For intervention.'


He likens the art of creating high impact conversations to fly fishing!  'Creating high impact conversations with children and teenagers is a lot like fly fishing in a stream filled with capricious fish. Each person speaks a new language. Don't try to understand them in your language. Try to understand and utilise their language using active curiosity.' We hope you enjoy and gain further insight from his research and knowledge,  A-Fuller High Impact Conversations.


About Andrew Fuller:

'Hello! I am an author and Clinical Psychologist specialising in brains, learning and resilience. I work to create with people, futures they can fall in love with. I present keynotes and workshops to over 200,000 people annually in over 600 communities in Australia to promote resilience, as well as in Bhutan and with Values-based Education in the UK. My Facebook page is I also host a Facebook page for those interested in the neuroscience of learning called 'The Learning Brain'.'   


As an Ambassador for MindMatters and the Lion's Drug Awareness Foundation, Andrew tries to do what he can to promote wellbeing. His most recent book is 'Unlocking Your Child's Genius - How to discover and encourage your child's natural talents' 2015. 


His other books are: Tricky Teens (2014); Life: A Guide, which looks at life in seven year cycles and what it takes to create a resilient life; Tricky Kids, Guerilla Tactics for Teachers, The Brain Based Learning e-Manual, Tricky People, Raising Real People, From Surviving to Thriving, Beating Bullies, Help Your Child Succeed at School and Work Smarter Not Harder.  


Andrew Fullers' website has lots of information He also hosts three Facebook pages you might like: 1. Andrew Fuller psychologist 2. The Learning Brain. 3. Life: A Guide.


We are always interested in your feedback. Please don’t hesitate to contact us regarding this article or for how we can further support your child.


Gai Bath and Andrea Maver

SMC Counsellors