From the Principal

As we approach the Christmas season, you might be considering buying a smartphone, a smartwatch or a tablet for your child or young person. Any time I get the chance I encourage parents and carers to delay technology as long as you can. Simon Sinek, in this four-minute video explains the addictive nature of online technology.


If you can delay no longer, make sure there are really good family responsibilities with technology. No tech in bedrooms, no phones at mealtimes, extended periods being away from phones might be a good starting point. We are learning as we go as we shepherd this new, tech-savvy generation. It might be time to call a technology reset in your household. Let’s face it, it isn’t just the kids who have been sucked into addictive behaviours with phones! For the record, there are students in every year of the school who don’t have phones. It is often a wise move to be counter-cultural. 


Last week we had the Year 12 Leavers Dinner. It was a lovely and heartfelt occasion. Thanks to the parents and carers of Year 12 who have been a part of our community over the last however many years. We are grateful to you and we wish you God’s love. 



Helen Spencer
