Canteen has new home

Canteen is now incorporated into the new Hall

The completion of the new Hall has allowed the Canteen to be moved into its new space. Students and Staff have welcomed the new Canteen, which now has tables with seating and a fresh new look. 


Our Senior students are using the seating area to eat their lunch. This allows the VCE open space to be used as a study area all day.  VCE and VCAL students are now able to study in a quiet space, when they are not in timetabled classes.


The Canteen is open at Recess and Lunchtime every day.  Lunch orders can be handed into the Canteen at recess each day. Please see the list below for options:


Maree has been operating the Canteen in 2019.  She is very happy with the new building and welcomes students and staff to come and see what is on offer. The Lunch Order menu has been included below: