

The Wellbeing Team at Lalor Secondary College in collaboration with ‘The Smith Family’ and ‘Whittlesea Community Connections’ provide support for students with their homework by delivering the After School Homework Program (ASH). ASH is back on Tuesdays  between 3pm – 4pm in the College Library. Teachers & trained volunteer tutors attend each session to assist students with work; students are encouraged to bring their digital devices for educational purposes. Students also have access to computers, internet, and library resources, whilst staff from the Wellbeing Team provide supervision and assist students in getting themselves organised to complete work. The whole school educational initiative is open to students in all year levels; however parent / guardian / carer consent is required. Forms are available from the General Office or the Welfare Office. Students who arrive after 3:30pm will NOT be permitted to participate. All staff are welcome & encouraged to attend!


In Health & Happiness




Due to popular demand YOGA Thursdays will continue to be delivered at Lalor Secondary College in Term 3. A fully qualified and registered Yoga teacher will continue to teach yoga to students and staff at the College; fostering happiness and healthier minds. Yoga is becoming increasingly popular in our communities, not only for health and fitness, but for sound mind and sense of confidence and wellbeing. Some of the physical benefits of Yoga include: balanced hormones, healthy metabolism, heart health, lower blood pressure, aiding the reduction of headaches and migraines, lower stress and healthy adrenaline levels, joint health, mobility and flexibility.

YOGA Thursdays will be open to ALL students and staff at the College and run every Thursday between 3:30pm – 4:30pm in the College Drama Centre. Equipment will be provided! Refreshments and snacks will also be provided at the end of each session. NO payment required! Signed consent by a parent/guardian/carer is essential for students. Consent forms can be obtained from the Welfare Office or alternatively the General Office.

13 Reasons Why?

Dear school community,


The latest season of the “13 Reasons Why” launched on Netflix. The series deals with some potentially distressing real-life issues including suicide, child abuse, bullying etc. and we always like to mention this because a lot of our young people watch it and it can bring up difficult feelings for some. For more information: https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/two-takes-depression/201705/13-reasons-why-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly.


Furthermore, Headspace has developed discussion guides for young people and parents to help guide positive conversations around some of the potentially distressing themes raised in the program. We have attached both the parents and young person discussion guides for your reference.




If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Wellbeing Team.


In Health & Happiness J    


Berry Street

NorthWestern Mental Health 

Band Jam

Skate Jam 

Ride Like A Girl 

The Lion King

Dungeons & Dragons

Music Vibes


Youthfest 2019

