BOOST Corner

BOOST Corner

For the second year in a row, BOOST students participated in Literacy Planet’s Word Mania competition! We would like to thank all students who participated in the competition this year. Congratulations to the following students who scored the highest in the competition in their year level.






Year 7 - Isabella BRUNO 7D        Best Score 1703

 Year 8 - Dina RAAD 8A                 Best Score 2754








Sunday the 8th of September will be International Literacy Day for 2019. To celebrate we will be running literacy week from Monday 9th to Friday the 13th with activities running on Monday, Tuesday and Friday at lunch time. This year’s theme is spooky stories. There will be snacks and prizes for students who participate, so come and join us for a fun and spooky week.

BOOST Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected for student of the week in BOOST for their consistent effort in and out of class in achieving their personal best.

  • Aleyna GOZEL - 10A
  • Lucas TIGANI - 10C
  • Shaban ALHAJ - 10B


Miss Nguyen

On behalf of the BOOST team