What's Been Happening?

Steptember is on again. 

This year, one of our students, Maddy Tucker, has signed up to complete the 10,000 step a day challenge throughout September to raise money for Cerebral Palsy.


Maddy has been watching the #Paralympics, and has decided to participate in Steptember to help raise funds for CP (Cerebal palsy). She would love it if you are able to help her achieve her fundraising goal to raise a total of $100 or more. 


Maddy will be completing the challenge of a minimum of 10000+ steps per day.

Thank you to everyone that is able to help her achieve this goal.


Please click on the link to donate.


Father's Day art work

Mrs Hogan has some lovely artwork completed for Father's Day. Thanks to those students who sent their pictures in to share with us. Please enjoy these pictures from Mrs Hogan.


Father's Day Poems from the Junior Classrooms


The Foundation students created this lovely video for Father's Day.

Our Dream Classroom

The senior students wrote letters to Mrs Bruitzman to express their thoughts about the new classrooms being built.


The Year 1 students also wrote letters to Mrs Bruitzman

Fun Footy Day