Deputy Principal

Michelle Hinds

This week is National Child Protection Week. An important event creating awareness for everyone and the promotion of children's care and safety everywhere.


This year's theme is:


 Every child, in every community, needs a fair go.

To treat all of Australia’s children fairly, we need to make sure every family and community has what kids need to thrive and be healthy.



At St Therese, we take child safety very seriously and we endeavour to assist and support our students and their families at every opportunity.  This is important at all times but even more so during this current climate. We review and update our policies accordingly and on a regular basis to ensure we meet all legal requirements as well as our duty of care.


We must listen to our young people, share resources, and work together to prevent and respond to child abuse in all its forms.


Our school provides many avenues of support for our students and their families therefore, if you feel the need to reach out, please contact your child's teacher or a member of the leadership team. We are only an email or a phone call away.


Bishop Greg Bennett has created this video to share with all community members regarding Child Safety.


Stay safe and well.

Michelle Hinds