School Nursing program 2021

Nicole Joyce, a visiting primary school nurse from the Department of Education and Training, will be attending the school to conduct the Prep health assessments and to see other children as requested by teachers (with parents’ consent). 


The purpose of the visit is to provide children in their first year of primary school with the opportunity to have a health assessment; to link children, families and school communities to services available in the community; and to provide information and advice that promotes health and wellbeing.

The confidential questionnaire will provide important information about your child’s health so the nurse can make an effective assessment. If your child requires further assessment, such as vision, hearing or speech assessments the nurse will see him or her at school.

  • If you would like your child to participate in the Primary School Nursing Program please indicate this by ticking the YES consent box (page 5), sign and fill out the questionnaire and return the completed student entrant health questionnaire to your child’s school.
  • If you do not wish your child to participate in the Primary School Nurse Program please tick the NO consent box (page 5), sign and return the student entrant health questionnaire to your child’s school.

Parents are invited to contact the visiting primary school nurse if there are any issues they wish to discuss. The contact number is 0459 873 959.


Forms were mailed out to all Foundation families. Once we resume onsite learning, could you please return your completed form to your child's teacher.


Thank you.