Careers Hub
Careers Hub
Inspiring our Future
You may not be aware that we have a selection of Preshil Alumni on our Preshil website community page. Please make time to read about what some of our past students have been doing. We will be updating this feature page with new career journeys and pathways soon. If you are a Preshil Alumni or you know someone who is and would like to be part of this feature, please feel free to email and let us know!
Careers in the Equine Industry
There are numerous careers in the equine industry and a broad range of courses on offer at TAFE, university and private colleges. The Ranvet website provides a great summary of jobs in the industry.
Some of these jobs include:
What types of courses can I study?
What are Tertiary Institutions like?
Please remember to log in and read your Compass NewsFeed.
Careers Website:
Careers Portal: Student register or login
The Careers Department: Student Login Link
Ace Day Job Videos: Preshil Clickview
Useful Links: Australian Jobs 2019
Foundation of Young Australians: Reports
Future Focused: 100 Jobs of the Future
VTAC Resources: Year 10 Guide
VTAC Resources: Year 11 Guide
Explore Careers: In Tech Videos
My Future: Self Knowledge & Careers
Job Outlook: A Guide to Jobs & Careers
CompareED: Compare Universities
ACU Pathway Finder: Pick a Study
CAS Website: Creativity Activity Service Info
Good Careers Guide: Select a field of work
Career Stories: See MyFuture
Parents Guide: Career Planning
Choosing Subjects Years 11 & 12: Visit here.
Pathway Tools: Engineering, RMIT, ACU
Pathways to Uni 2022: Download below
Australian Jobs 2020: Download below
Recommendations are based on a series of psychometric assessments to help identify strengths, and results are combined with a more subjective questionnaire where students can state their preferences for work styles, environments and talents. Cost is a one time $50 for lifetime access. Please email me if you would like more information.
You can now contact me in the Online Careers Hub in Zoom. Please use this link on the Preshil Careers website to make an appointment because it syncs to my calendar to avoid clashes. If you have any questions, concerns or need a face-to-face appointment please email me anytime at
Career Practitioner
Professional Member Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV)
Morrisby Accredited Careers Adviser
Special thanks to Jacky Burton from the Yarra Career Practitioners Group and Compass Career News who tirelessly each year puts together a lot of the one-sheet information guides that help us collate tertiary course information into the one place for students to easily access.