

More like lock-get-down!

Introducing the Preshil playlists

 The wellbeing benefits of music require no real validation. If one were to seek such confirmation however, there are troves of studies highlighting the power of music to: enhance mood, assist in emotional regulation, create happiness, reduce stress/anxiety, improve motivation, improve memory, ease pains and support recovery from illness, provide comfort and enhance cognition. And that’s just for an individual! The effects of music can be even greater when shared and played together.


It is with this sentiment that Preshil is unveiling its latest Wellbeing initiative: the collaborative Spotify playlists experience. Not new for some, but new for us! 


The aim of this venture will be to provide students with a new reason to be inspired everyday by the epic music that abounds us in the world today. Students, parents and staff will be able to share songs, add to and listen to various curated playlists. By sharing, listening and hopefully dancing to the tunes we all enjoy, it is hoped that this will serve to further forge what is already an amazing Preshil community. 


This evolving space will likely have some future updates as we navigate any potential unforeseen challenges. At this stage, we will be directed by the following guidelines:


·      playlists will be based on themes

·      explicit content will not be permitted, given our underage cohort

·      all playlist requests will be considered

·      weekly review of suggested songs.


To get involved, download Spotify to your device and search PreshilTunez.


Spotify is free to download to your device: https://www.spotify.com/au/


We look forward to sharing music with you all.

Amir Tatai

Wellbeing Coordinator
