Classroom News 

Year 2/3 Remote Learning

Students have been creating whilst at home. Here are some sculptures of Olympians made with blu tac and aluminium foil. Crowns made with cardboard and straws. 

Harper - gymnastics
Harper - gymnastics
Isabella - water polo
Isabella - water polo

Poems By Year 2/3 students. 


ELEPHANT by Aleisha

Elephants are 1 of the biggest animals. They are always living in the jungle.

Legs of an elephant are huge,and they have 4 legs.

Ewwwwwwwwww they poop and wee a lot.

Plants, grass and leaves are their favourite food, they like to eat it every day.

Huge animals like elephants love the water so much, and can swim well

All elephants live in a bunch so they don’t get lost

Normally the baby elephants follow their mum to never get lost

Trunks of the elephants help to carry things, drink water and eat the food. The trunk is like a hand to the elephant.


FALCON by Roman

Flys fastly


Like a bullet

Catch its prey

Other falcons kill hares, mice, lizards and insects on the ground  

Nearly all over the world



It comes from Italy

Their fur is white 

An Italian Sheepdog attacks to protect themselves 

Licks themselves

It has long fur

An Italian sheepdog has a big tail

None of them hunt for food


Sheep are not related to Italian sheepdogs

Has 6 to 9 puppies per litter 

Eats dog food 

Employed to look after the sheep

Plays in the park

Dark eyes

Old Italian Sheepdogs do nothing.

Gnaw on bones to make their teeth strong.

Year P-1 Remote Learning 

This week, the students have been learning about Multiplication and Division in their Numeracy sessions. They have explored different strategies such as repeated addition, arrays, sharing, groups of and the commutative property. 



This week, the students continued to explore this year's Book Week short listed books for Literacy. This week we have read 'The Unwilling Twin', 'Busy Beaks',  'No Never', 'Anemone is not the Enemy' and 'This Small Blue Dot'.  


Prep students completing their character profile on Georgie from the book 'No! Never!'
Prep students completing their character profile on Georgie from the book 'No! Never!'


                                                                               Art Time! 

By Arvin
By Arvin
By Amy
By Amy

Natalie sent in her fantastic writing for the writing competition. She has included colourful semantics and has done a great job with using different describing words in her writing, well done Natalie! 

Year 5/6 Remote Learning 

As mentioned earlier in Mark's report, the Year 5/6 students got into the swing of things and took on a dramatic performance that could have been titled 'Students attend Supreme Court to see the law in action.' Many students were keen to take on a role, and before we knew it the scene was set. The cast was;


Judge ~ Nicola

Assistant to the Judge ~ Hanna

Clerk of the Court ~ Marty

Defendant ~ Amanda

Representing the Defendant ~ David, Ryan, John D

Key Witnesses ~ Amanda's sister, Mark (Principal)

Representing the Crown ~ Ria

Jurors ~ Sylvie and Joshua (Forepersons), Julian, Maleah, Josh, Ahan, Harrison, Lily, Faith, Ankita, Sienna, Isabelle

Police ~ Jakob, Oscar

Security ~ Ricardo Security Company (Liam and Bella)

Court Reporter ~ Thomas (The Truth newspaper)


Here is the article published in the Truth. Enjoy!


The Trial of the Trail

School Teacher and Miss Honey lookalike found not guilty to breaking COVID restrictions.

By Thomas Kazsubski, Chief Crime Reporter,         The Truth Newspaper


At 9:00am on the 17th of August, Amanda Pacella’s trial had begun. It began with many noticing the absence of the policeman who had arrested the accused. Amanda responded to this by publicly questioning his loyalty to the cause. This caused a lot of uncertainty about the trial, to which the prosecutor for the crown suggested that they adjourn the trial. The idea was thrown away by the man in charge, clerk of court Marty Fitzpatrick. Eventually the policeman arrived protesting that the guards wouldn't let him in. Rumours surfaced that the policeman had been seen at Krispy Creme’s in Craigeburn. 


The judge, Hon. Nicola Lyons,  began by explaining why this trial was taking place, asking the accused if they wanted to say anything in her defence and which she explained why she wasn't guilty. I was questioned in the middle of the trial as a witness for the meeting. I attended a meeting between the accused and the prosecutor for the Crown. 


The accused then got her lawyers to present three exhibits. Her official lawyer, David Calabro, was not present either, so the assistant lawyers, Ryan El Chiriti El Safadi and John Di Vincenti, presented the evidence instead. The official lawyer then arrived and presented some more information.


The prosecutor for the Crown, lawyer Ria Jasani, then made a swing at the accused, saying that one of her exhibits was more responsible and was exaggerating. Jasani then made another swing at the defendant, saying that the accused judgements were clouded by the fact that she was sad, because she missed out on an important family event. The police then backed up the prosecutor for the Crown, who explained that her statement was true. The prosecutor repetitively asked for the accused to be found guilty for breaking the law. 


At this moment, through cross examination, everyone realised that the policeman had never met Amanda on the trail, meaning that it was not the truth that she was arrested there.  It was a big moment in the trial. Ryan then made a swing at the Crown, suggesting that repeating things made her a bit desperate. Then the lawyers began saying that it would be illegal to punish her. Then John D, counsel for the defence, said that the Crown had thrown her teacher under the bus and therefore was disloyal to her teacher. After everything Amanda does for her and that this trial should be about her! 


Marty then began to vouch for the accused, saying that he knows her well and does not believe she would break the law. The jury then adjourned and deliberated. After a lengthy discussion, the accused, Amanda Pacella, was pronounced not guilty and the trial came to an end.


After the decision, Pacella said “I’m exhausted. I want to thank my defence and all my supporters, including my principal and sister, who both came to my defence. When I return to school, it’s doughnuts for everyone!” The crowd shouted for joy, Inspector Jakob Parker looked particularly pleased and Jury Spokesperson, Joshua Galvin King, wondered when he was getting paid.


Photography Competition

When asked what the students would like to do during lockdown 6.0, a unanimous 'YES' was the re-emergence of the Year 5/6 Photography Competition. Budding photographers took to their devices to capture a photo related to the theme. Each day, students (at the end of our Morning Prayer/Meet) will be given the theme for the day. Students are allowed to enter ONE photo only each day. We are really excited at what will come in the next fortnight or so.


Today's theme was 'SPRING'. Here's just a snapshot of some of the entries.                             Some kids have a good eye for it, hey?

Lily Dobinson
Maleah Letelier
Liam Ricardo
David Calabro
Isabelle Mateski
Lily Dobinson
Maleah Letelier
Liam Ricardo
David Calabro
Isabelle Mateski


More Year 5/6 News 


During remote learning, the Grade 5/6s have been working on their own Lockdown Survival Kits, sharing with others what helps them and cheers them up during lockdown. These 'kits' will be sent to the 5/6 students at Sacred Heart Cabramatta NSW, in addition to pen pal letters that our students have written. Some of the essentials included in the kits are: spending time with family, going for walks, talking to friends and watching TV. 

Ryan's Survival Kit
Ryan's Survival Kit
Nicola's Survival Kit
Nicola's Survival Kit
Sylvie's Survival Kit
Sylvie's Survival Kit
Ahan's Survival Kit
Ahan's Survival Kit