Deputy Principal / 

Religious Education News 

We are looking for parents to fill in the new MACSSIS survey to help us set future directions\. If you are interested in taking part please let Mark or Liz know .
We are looking for parents to fill in the new MACSSIS survey to help us set future directions\. If you are interested in taking part please let Mark or Liz know .

***Unfortunately due to Lockdown, we have been informed by MACS (Catholic Education) that the MACSSIS survey will be postponed until Term 4. We are still very interested to hear from parents who would like to be part of this process. If you are interested , please let me know and when things are clearer I will include you in the list of parents to take part.


The MACSSIS family survey is coming in the next couple of weeks. It is an avenue for your voice to be heard in informing the next priority areas for school improvement. As we are currently under Review, it is very timely that we are able to invite you to take part in this survey. It is an online survey that you can fill in at your convenience. In the past we have also offered support in logging on at school and , lockdowns permitting, we are happy to support you in this way. If you are interested in being part of this survey can you please let Mark or myself know so we can organise personal logins for you. All information on the survey is deidentified so you can feel confident in being truly honest. The data is then compiled and sent to the school to help us set goals to continually improve our school for the better experiences of your children. Please help us be the best we can be and contribute to your child's future at Sacred Heart.


The dental van will still be visiting Sacred Heart in the last week of term, whether we are still in lockdown or not. Hopefully we will not! If you have filled in the forms earlier this term, you will receive information in the next week or 2 as to the time of your child's appointment. The van will be in the yard and parents will be asked to bring their child to the appointment if we are in lockdown. All COVID safe practices will be in place. If we are back at school then your child will attend through the school day and you will not need to attend. If this advice changes I will send out a note with the appointment times closer to the dates.




Sacrament Dates:

Sacrament of Reconciliation has been postponed due to the current Covid Lockdown. A new date to be advised. 


Catholic students in Year 4 will be receiving the Sacrament of First Communion on Sunday 12th September at 10:30am mass. TBC