Chaplain's Corner

Hello MPS Family,  It has been a quick and busy term for me and I will be honest to say that I have had to find a lot of adaptability both for my family and here at school.  Mostly I have done that well but like us all at times I have learnt to be kind to myself, process my feelings and rest when needed.


Can I encourage each of you to take time to process what is going on around and within  you each day?  We are living in strange times and although Western Australia itself is going okay as a whole there are many families struggling in different ways.  It is okay to struggle and you are not alone.  I am so passionate about this and I may even sound repetitive in some of my newsletter entries but no matter what, you are seen and heard and there is someone ready to listen or guide you to the right support. 

Today I am off to the Inter School Carnival with our wonderful staff and students which is one of my favourite school activities to attend.  Then Friday is the last day of term which means a nice break with my family.  I will spend a lot of it outside in this amazing weather and then in the last few days attend our annual Chaplain Conference with the 400 plus other Chaplains that are in schools across the state.


Have a great break and reset where you can. Be kind to yourselves and see you next term.


Tammy Bija

School Chaplain

Monday and Friday