Year 8

Sometimes at the beginning of a remote lesson, students will share stories of what they have been doing, how they celebrated a birthday on the weekend, their latest cooking ideas and/or skills they have tried. 


Recently I was sent a poem by a friend, and it prompted me to find out exactly what students in Year 8 do to cope with living through a pandemic. 


The following responses and images were shared by some of our incredible Year 8 students:

  • Walking with a friend, or running with my Dad.
  • I have been creating cool forts like pillow forts and backyard stick forts.
  • I have been enjoying morning walks, cooking, decorating/cleaning my room and playing games in the backyard with my dog and family.
  • Dancing and going to the beach when it's warm enough
  • I enjoy playing soccer in my backyard, drawing and cleaning (it's strange but can be therapeutic, only when I want to clean).
  • Stretch routines by Anna Mcnulty! The stretch routines not only improve flexibility but it puts you in a relaxed state which is perfect for a set mindset! Also even just grabbing a towel and lying outside, taking in nature, it's so calming and relaxing, really helps your mind.
  • I like to go skateboarding up and down my street in the sun and listen to music.
  • Going to the beach and paddle boarding or swimming.
  • I love to wake up early and go look at the sunrise.
  • Painting and playing online games with my friends.
  • Songwriting.
  • Redecorating my room.
  • I like to bake scrolls. 


A common thread was to be amongst nature, to mix with friends and to do activities that nurture the creative soul. 

The students of today are creating the stories and images of tomorrow, when young people their own age ask “What was it like & How did you cope?”


In twenty years’ time

People will not ask the children of 2020/21 if they caught up with their studies.

They will not ask them what grades they made, despite the year off school.

They will ask them with wonder 

‘what was it like?’

They will ask them 

‘how did you cope?’

‘How did you feel?’

‘What do you remember of those days?’

They will listen in awe to the tales of clapping on doorsteps for the medical workers.

They will sit open-mouthed to hear of daily walks being the only life we saw and how much we missed human contact and gatherings.

They will be amazed to know about empty supermarkets, online concerts, birthdays spent on a screen and a life lived inside.

They will listen, then sit back with amazement and say, ‘Wow. You went through so much.’

So, think about what you would like your children to take away from this whole year.

Tell them they are not behind.

Tell them they are not missing out.

Tell them they are extremely special indeed and they will be forever made stronger by this unique time.

Tell them catching up is not even a thing because they have grown so much in so many other ways.

Remind them too of the fun stuff, the family jigsaws, the window rainbows, the Zoom bingo.

The feeling of safety and togetherness amidst the chaos.

Let them take that thought with them through life.

Change the narrative now and it will travel far.

Tell the children they are not behind.

They are special.

By Donna Ashworth

Other News 


Aerobics training continues online every Wednesday morning at 7.30am. The following Year 8 students have shown dedication and commitment. These students join others from Year 7, 9, 10 and 11 each Wednesday and form the 2021 SCSA Aerobics team. Congratulations Olivia Robertson, Sarah Forsyth, Sian Francis, Indi Hanlon and Elysia Gilmour.


Congratulations to the following Year 8 debaters who have successfully participated online in their debates: Taylah Bell, Charlotte Maclean, Annabelle McHugh, Olivia Murphy, Elysia Gilmour, Alessia Mastracola and Grace Cronin. We also congratulate Best Speakers Annabelle McHugh and Olivia Murphy.


Science with the Stars

Thank you to Taylah Bell, Jorja Stahlhut, Annabelle Chapman for taking the lead during Science Week to share their home Science experiments, including 'Colour Changing Milk', making 'Oobleck' and making a 'Bouncy Egg'.  


These Student Leaders embraced the opportunity to become the teacher online, showcasing their experiments.

Mathematics Help

Mathematics help continues online each Thursday at lunchtime for students across all year levels with Ms Cate Jacka and Mrs Maria O’Leary. If you need some extra Mathematics help, please come along. An invitation has been sent to all Year 8 students via Microsoft Teams.


Suzanne Grima

(Acting) Level Leader: 

Year 8