
Recently, on 10 August, something very important happened in Australia… well, once upon a time it would have. You see, 10 August was Census night, but I doubt many of you waited until that evening to complete your Census form. This may seem a tedious task for some, but it gives us an extremely important snapshot of what is currently occurring in Australia.


What I found interesting is that the previous Census found that I am very similar to the average Australian. From collecting Census data, it found that the average Australian is 38 years old, has one partner and two children, lives in a house with three bedrooms, has two cars, and uses one of them to drive to work every day. If you are the mother of a Kilbreda student, you are likely to also fit into this ‘average’ category. Congratulations.


Currently, the Year 8 students are determining what the average student looks like in their class. For my Year 8 class, Maya found that ‘the average person in our class is someone who enjoys KFC and Italian food; loves the summer months with some cookies and ice cream to get through the really hot days; Is roughly 160-164cm tall and likes to play a good game of netball. Also, appreciates watching a comedy or two’.


The students also displayed their findings in an infographic which is a great visual summary of statistics. Here is Maya’s work.

How do you compare to the average Year 8 student?


Karen McMullen

Learning Leader:
