Middle School Report

Middle School Team News

On behalf of the Middle School Team we hope this report finds you all safe and well. Remote learning continues until the end of term 3. How term 4 looks, we are not yet sure. As soon as the Department provides schools with an update we will of course let you all know.


Microsoft Teams: All year Middle School correspondence / communications related to school and sub school events is now via teams. All students have login and access to this please ensure your child is always checking to keep up to date with news.

For information to families we will continue to do this via compass.


100% Attendance Awards: Each day we have been announcing the name of the student who on the previous day attended 100% of their classes; this is announced on teams. As remote learning has been extended, we will continue to reward our students with a voucher each week.


Online Attendance Protocols: We ask families to support our teachers by encouraging all students to be online and in attendance with classes – cameras on, allows for better and more productive engagement between teacher and students. Students should remain online until dismissed by the teacher to go off and complete work.


Wellbeing Support: Our wellbeing team led by Ms Marg Lawless are available to support students and families with any concerns throughout this lockdown period. If support is needed, contact the Middle School and we can refer you onto the Wellbeing team.


End of Term Assemblies: During week 10 we will have an end of term assembly conducted via teams to celebrate the achievements of our students for term 3. Day and time will be announced next week.


Principal Awards: On Monday 30 August we held our principal awards ceremony which was a fantastic opportunity to reward our high achieving students in both year 9 and 10. 


Student Offline Learning Days: As a subschool we fully support the opportunity for students to have an offline learning day which means no online video classes, just work to be completed on compass. The purpose is to allow students the chance to get off their screens and spend time on activities they enjoy, we encourage outdoor pursuits!


Progress Reports: Will be published on Wednesday September 15 on Compass.


Health & PE Week: Next week the PE team will have a range of activities at lunchtimes for students to join in – look out in teams for the daily activities and join in!!!

As always our Middle School Team are here to support our students and families please reach out and contact us if you need support.

Let’s get through this together!!!


Kind regards Middle School Team
Nick Vass – Middle School Leader
Lily Popovska – Year 9 Coordinator
David Gayfer – Year 10 Coordinator 
Tammy Di Marco – Sub School Office Manager