Buildings and Grounds update

Further School Improvement Work
We have been using this period of remote learning and lockdown to undertake as much school maintenance and improvement work as possible. As we complete this work within COVID restrictions, it is pleasing to see a few changes in the school.
We continue to upgrade the roofs in the school. We have just completed the roofing in the Junior School building as well as work to the gutters and spouts. However, work that the students will notice when they return to school includes the new Bicycle Shed (on the Nicholson Street Carpark), extension to the Senior School Locker Bays and the flooring and upgrades to the link corridor.
New Bicycle Shed
Based on feedback from the students, we have constructed the new Bicycle Shed on the Nicholson Street Carpark. Students will access the secure and undercover shelter by a dedicated access gate and will not be required to travel through the car park to store their bikes for the day. The Bicycle Shed will be locked during the school day and is under 24/7 video camera coverage.
Senior Locker Bay
The builders have been back on site constructing a new Locker bay for Senior Students. This will greatly increase our capacity for locker storage near the New Senior School building.
Link Corridor
The ongoing work to the roofing means that we are now able to re plaster and install new flooring. The link corridor, the busiest part of the school, has now been completed with new flooring to complement the new walls and ceiling.