Student Leadership News

Whole School Breakfast
International Women’s Day was on the 8th of March and to celebrate, the leadership team organised a breakfast for the whole school on the HFC basketball courts on the 6th. There was an array of foods such as pancakes, eggs, toast and fruit.
International Women’s Day is a day that was established to honour women and to call for global gender equality. On this day we recognise the economic, cultural, social and political achievements of women in society. The first International Women’s Day gathering had over one million people in 1911.
From the breakfast we had raised over $200 to go towards The Geelong Mums organisation that supports local women by distributing nursery goods to parents who experience difficulty accessing the necessities.
We would like to use this platform to thank Woolworths Newtown, Woolworths Bell Post Hill and Woolworths Geelong West, Lake Modewarre Eggs, Bannockburn Bakehouse and The Gordon for all the donations. Without their charity, the breakfast would not have been possible.
Also, we’d like to thank the staff again who helped in the organisation of the morning and who helped at the event by looking after the food.
Sarah Garlick
Diversity Week Update
In week 8 (16th of March - 20th of March), we planned to hold Diversity Week. On Monday, we were able to recognise Matthew Flinders’ Birthday and we handed out fairy bread, on Tuesday we placed Saint Patrick’s Day jokes in the students’ lockers. Also, on Wednesday we celebrated Harmony Day with the selling of French cakes and casual dress. Unfortunately, due to the COVID19 situation, the Leadership Team made the call to postpone the rest of the week’s activities, indefinitely, to protect the health of the students. On the recommendations of the Education Department, school gatherings have been cancelled, however the efforts of the Diversity Team will not go wasted as we are planning to commence the celebration of culture when the virus spread can be better managed.
Sarah and I would like to thank you for your understanding in this difficult time.
Grace Robson
by Grace Robson and Sarah Garlick
College Captains 2020