Library News

*Library books from MFG
Well done to all students who borrowed books to take home to read during the long period of learning from home - I am glad we upped the loan limit to 10 books - mega opportunity for reading :) !! Remember to return the books you've finished with when you come back! When you come back to school : Please try to download an e-book from Wheelers eplatform. Compass > Favourites > Wheelers e-books - use your Compass username and password and download a book to your device.
**Premier's Reading Challenge 2020 Years 7 - 10
Sign up now to join in the Premier's Reading Challenge 2020. Get started with your books at home/ e-books and borrow when you get back to complete the challenge! Read all about it at the following links.*Premier's Reading Challenge site
*MFG Libguide with helpful info on how to get started -accessing e-books etc
Email me and I will send your username and password via Compass securely you forget it - email me or come in and see me at the MFG Library to get it! I have everyone's details right here on file for Years 7 -10! Can't wait to see you all back in the MFG Library!
***Compass > Favourites - online databases for home based study
Please access our school's subscriptions to Echo Online Newspaper Index, World Book Encyclopedia online and World Book Timelines and Wheelers e-books (use your Compass username and password to download books - when you come back to school)
****Geelong Regional Library Corporation : This is very important
For members - the skies the limit - lots of access to e-resources, ebooks and audio books - for home -based research and personal interest! You will need your Membership number and pin number to access and borrow.
During this period of school and library closure why not think about taking out a membership online!!!!! Follow the prompts from Geelong Library at the link below...this will allow access to e-resources, audio and e-books etc
Registration for Geelong Library membership
What you will receive when you join...
*****Craft Group - updated 28/5
Thanks to all 18 participants this term, some students made up to 3 scarves using the Lincraft Loopz wool (there are some to be finished when you get back) - get ready for scrunchie making when you return - all materials provided !! Sign up sheets will pop up in the library when you all come back on the 9th June! Good luck with your personal projects at home..take a photo or bring in any handicraft pieces you've made!
Miss Marshall
MFG Librarian