
The Solomon Spartans kicked off the year with a cracking victory in the senior athletics, where it was described that “Solomon’s on fire”, as the senior students victoriously played their unofficial anthem. Unfortunately, the juniors let us down in their performance in the junior athletics, resulting in Solomon placing 4th overall.
The almighty Solomonites then worked tirelessly to put in our best efforts with the beginning of House Arts, with debating and public speaking. Our debating team consisted of School Debating Captain, Ben Uehara, who led the promising and only two debaters to compete in the competition who were not DAV debaters, House Captain Hayden Whitehouse and Year 12 student Jake Holland, however we were unfortunately knocked out of the first round of debating by 1 point, a great feat from the mixed bag team. We then entered public speaking, with our strong team consisting of year 12 student, Ronan Traynor and Year 11 student Sean Courtier. Both boys presented compelling arguments, however were unsuccessful on the day.
Looking towards the future, Solomon have begun drafting their team for the House Art competition, where our greatest artists will work together to create a masterpiece which hopefully will gain us the House Art title. Furthermore, Solomon are looking as promising favourites for House Football with our extremely talented squad.
We welcome our newly elected, Year 10 leaders, Ben Smith and William Snowden.
We are looking forward to what the extremely talented group that is Solomon will do next, as we prepare for future endeavours including music and short-film.
Hayden Whitehouse, Liam Crisp & Nate Dear
Solomon Leadership Team