Parents & Friends

Welcome back after the Easter break.
On behalf of the Parents and Friends would like to thank all those on the 2019/2020 committee.
With our AGM last week , I am pleased to announce our new president Debra Valentine (Samuel Yr 12) and Katherine Cooling (Tomas Yr 12) who will continue to work with the College and our volunteers to hold events to build community and memories for the students.
Our parent bookclub is returning on both campuses this term. Walking groups also back.
Please look out for the dates!
This week we celebrate our mothers and mother mentors with stalls for Year 7-9 at both campuses ( all proceeds to MAD day ) and our Mothers / mother figures and son Day breakfast for Year 7 and 12.
Thankyou to all you’ve supported this event .
Finally, I would like to thank all who have supported the P & F in my time.
Please continue to support as volunteers and check for future events on our portal, newsletters, emails.
Your time here is more enriched for giving to the College.
May you all enjoy family time this weekend.
Best wishes
Jacinta Jones
2020 Outing President
P & F