PBS Update
TEAM PURPOSE STATEMENT The purpose of the MDHS WA PBS Leadership Team is to create a school family. Our family is clear about how to behave so we can all belong, feel safe, achieve, and show we care. |
At Mukinbudin District High School, we CARE.
- Citizenship
- Achievement
- Respect
- Engagement
An update on our journey to making MDHS a Positive Behaviour School.
The PBS journey at Muka began in 2019, however, due to Covid we did not continue into 2020. Following a staff survey at the beginning of 2021, we agreed to continue on this journey.
We had three meetings in Term 1 and our final one with Matt during the first week of Term 2. Although Matt has moved on he will continue to be our internal coach offering his knowledge and experience to keep our current momentum rolling.
The first meeting involved; organising the team into roles, nominating a leader, which is Bec Clarke, discussing data and previous findings from 2019, and designing a new survey for staff, students, and the community to complete. We also began the search for a community member to join the team.
The second meeting involved retrieving and collating data from the survey. We wanted to aim positively at behaviours that we want to see more of. Using this information we defined values/expectations for MDHS and came up with the acronym CARE –
- Citizenship
- Achievement
- Respect
- Engagement
At Mukinbudin DHS we CARE
We have since had Nola Comerford-Smith join us as a Community Representative. We ran a poster competition incorporating the acronym CARE and got two entries, these entries along with the help of Mycki Rider and Sally Putt will be used to help design a school PBS poster. In the meantime, existing posters have been enlarged and put on display around the school to promote awareness and discussion.
A school-wide behaviour matrix has nearly been completed with a list of expectations for different settings around the school including inside the classroom, outside the classroom at home and in the community.
What Happens next?
- Decide on a PBS Launch date
- Design mascot sheep that will be used as a driving force behind the PBS launch
- Student leaders will be invited to review the matrix once it is completed
- The PBS committee is responsible for selecting and developing lessons aimed at teaching the expectations from the behaviour matrix – this is expected to begin in Semester 2
- Rewards won’t be implemented until content has been taught
- Decide on posters
- Staff to make a PBS video to promote the launch
If you have any ideas to help us, please approach any of the PBS Team.
From the PBS Team