School News
Mothers Day in the K/PP
The Mums were a bit spoilt in the Kindy/Pre-Primary class last Tuesday. Mrs Lamond, Mrs Melville, Mrs Clarke and with the help of Jackie Hobbs, treated the children and their Mum to different stations focusing on Mother’s Day. The families were divided into groups, and spent time at each station: Flower planting, bead necklace making, Yoga session, wellness station, fruit kebab making, reading together and creating with Duplo station. Thanks to everyone for their effort in creating a lovely morning, and the Mums appreciated the time spent with their children.
Road to Tokyo
In PE the students are currently participating in the “Road to Tokyo” for Term 2. As a warm up for our Physical Education lessons, the students will be running laps around the school oval in preparation for their upcoming Cross Country Carnivals at the end of the Term.
1 lap = 104km. Students are trying to make the 10,416km it takes to get to Tokyo which will equate to 99 laps around the oval.
MDHS Cross Country (All Students): Thursday 3rd June, Muka Golf Club
DISA Cross Country (PP- Yr 6): Friday 11th June, Trayning
There are incentives along the way and the students seem to all be loving the fitness challenge!
Uniform Reminder
Just a friendly reminder that bike pants and leggings are not approved school uniform for MDHS. Please ensure your children's shorts are mid thigh length and if there is no alternative to wearing leggings, then shorts or a skirt must be worn over the top of them. There is plenty of tracksuits and suitable sports pants in retail outlets at the moment.