Creativity and collaboration at work - Guys and Dolls
Dancers onstage in Guys and Dolls
Creativity and collaboration at work - Guys and Dolls
Dancers onstage in Guys and Dolls
The Northcote High School production of Guys and Dolls wrapped up last week to much joy in the room, with young people leading and connecting with each other across year levels, developing skills, building resilience and being part of something. Students who contributed to the production both on and off stage exemplified our school values and culture, taking risks and challenging themselves and building positive relationships. In true Northcote style, we saw interpretation and diversity at work, our talented young people on stage, back stage and front of house, being their best hand in hand with the sound and lighting - techy crew and our brilliant musicians. Congratulations to the cast, who performed with great skill and panache. None of this could have happened without the support provided by families and staff in so many ways.
The program highlighted how many people it takes to make the show a reality. Thank you to Jackie Brogan (director), Jonathan Templin (producer) and Elisha Templin (Musical Director) for bringing Guys and Dolls to life.
A huge thank you is also extended to the staff and students who have committed much of their time behind the scenes. This includes Barry Drinan and his team for their exceptional work with the sets, Lincoln Le Fevre for his help with setting up and running the audio for the show, Bernie Breen, Rohan Bevan and Peter Murphy for their assistance with set and prop construction, Matt Zambon and Hamish Ramsay for their participation in the band and vocal coaches Julian Perry and Christine Nitsis. Student leaders include program designer Louisa Johnson and general all-purpose assistance, as well as choreographers Pippa Collodetti and Evie Lawlor, with Enrolments Officer Katie Marshall leading hair and makeup. Bravo!