From the Principal

Voice matters: happy Northcote students at the Outloud Poetry Slam

Community making and building Northcote: your voice matters

Have your say as we make community

As Term 3 rolls on, Northcote High School continues to be a vibrant environment with many and varied opportunities for engagement and community making.  In this newsletter you will find requests for your voice in our school uniform, events and fundraising organisation and in the other ways we can build a modern and connected school and community, focused on learning and getting the best for and from our students.


Over the coming weeks we invite you to partner with us at our upcoming Student-Teacher-Parent Conversations, through survey feedback, at the Northcote High School Writers' Festival (don't miss the Friday night poetry slam!), at our fabulous Music Nights (Big Band Boogie and Strings, Wine and Cheese) and of course, at our highly popular Comedy Night, our major fundraiser for the year. I look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon. 


Building Northcote – Campus Master Plan 2017

Exciting times for Northcote High School!

Over the next 14 weeks we will be developing a new Campus Master Plan to ensure our school is well placed to act on a staged building and landscape improvement plan.  The key to Building Northcote is an articulated Campus Master Plan with a narrative that elevates how the buildings and landscape support learning and achievement, excellent teaching, deep relationships and strengthening of our community.

We are actively seeking allocation of resources in the next Budget…. 


How can you help?

Please work with us over the next 6- 8 weeks.   We will be asking you to participate – complete a survey or come to a forum or make a comment around how our buildings and landscape support in Creating the Conditions for Success at Northcote High School.

Stay posted for more information.


Meeting with Darebin Council – The Stadium

Last week I met with the Darebin Chief Executive (acting) Phil Shanahan, Katrina Knox  (Director Community Development) and Kim Le Cref (Mayor) around the work the school has undertaken to develop a feasibility study and business plan for The Stadium including schematics and costs plans.  The Stadium includes 2 or 3 courts with multipurpose room, change rooms, office, kiosk and classrooms.  This work has been undertaken in partnership with @Leisure Planners and Williams Ross Architects. 


Clearly there is huge demand for the indoor sporting spaces to support a viable Heath and Physical Education program for students each day and also for broader community use.


We have also been meeting regularly with the Darebin Council to elevate our interest in a partnership and also high demand in the south of the Darebin LGA.  Last year the Darebin Council submitted, on Northcote High School's behalf, an application for the Shared Facilities Fund (DET) for The Stadium.  In the meeting this week we further discussed ways to continue to work together, elevating shared understandings, priorities (school and Council) and agreements that there is high demand now and into the future for indoor sporting facilities.  The only way to meet this demand in the inner north is to activate community assets such as The Stadium at Northcote High School. We will keep you informed as the Campus Master Plan progresses and broader discussions with Darebin Council and School Council.


Equality – Have Your Say

The theme of Have Your Say continues with the upcoming Federal Government postal vote regarding Same Sex Marriage.  As a school each day we work to ensure the school values - Achievement, Curiosity, Humanity and Fairness - live in our behaviours, with equality underpinning all that we do each day.  Hence we will be working to support our young people to be active citizens of the world and register to vote.  We will be working with the Australian Electoral Commission to assist our students to understand the important role they can play in the democratic process.


Principal Selection Process

Over the next 3 months the Principal Selection Process will take place.  The role will be advertised via DET careers website Recruitment Online, there will be tours at the school and an application, shortlisting and interview process. The process is led by the Department of Education Representative Graham Stevenson and the School Council President Martin Hughes, the panel will also include a further school council representative, a staff representative and a Principal beyond the school.


Kate Morris
