Middle School News

House Middle School assemblies were held this week during Tuesday's Launch session followed by a launch activity session.
This was the first time that each House was able to collectively meet together in person. Students and teachers were excited to have the chance to meet together and build House pride.
This also gave the opportunity to formally present student House captains to the House, to promote our upcoming Athletics Day and practice House chants in preparation.
We are looking forward to seeing students wearing their House colours next Tuesday for Athletics Day and participating.
Ignis News
Ignis Launch - Tuesday 16th March
Terra News
Terra House Captains
Terra House Captains were presented at Launch on Tuesday:
Year 7 Terra captain - Sofia Walton
Year 8 Terra captain - Zoe Bastian
Year 9 Terra captain - Alexandra Dyall
Year 10 Terra captain - Nathanael Herrington
Year 12 Terra Captain - Renee Daaboul