From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank Community,
The last two weeks have been incredibly busy, with activities and events in full swing and students actively engaged in the learning program.
You will be able to read further in the newsletter, but we have had a number of sporting events and successes; house picnics; Achieve Fest with our Year 10 students and a presentation from Heidelberg Police on safe partying.
The police presentation was incredibly timely, given the media attention to the issues around consent and disrespectful behaviours to women displayed predominately by male youth. This is an issue that we continue to address and educate all of our students about through their Health Education and the Respectful Relationships program. We see this as a community responsibility and challenge all members of our community to call out any disrespectful behaviours or attitudes towards women, minority groups and individuals in general.
Child Safety is the number one priority. We want to remind all members of our community of the support available to students at the College through our Wellbeing Team and House Leaders if they have concerns they wish to address. Listed at the bottom of this report are some other organisations that are available to support young people and families.
College Tours
We have started College tours for prospective parents and students. It is lovely to have visitors back onsite. So far, they have been able to witness our College in full swing, with students actively engaged in the learning program.
Interim Reporting
Staff are currently completing interim reports. We have Student/Parent/Teacher conferences locked in for April 21 and April 29 (first two weeks after the holidays).
Please keep these dates free. We are very much looking forward to meeting onsite with parents and sharing feedback about your student’s learning progress. More information about the Compass Conference booking process and when it opens will be sent out shortly.
LifeLine (24/7)
13 11 14
BeyondBlue (24/7)
1300 224 636
Kids Helpline (24/7)
1800 551 800
Headspace Greensborough
03 9433 7200
Northern CASA
03 9496 2240
Dress Code Update
The new Viewbank College Beanies are now for sale at our Uniform suppliers!
Get ready for winter and keep warm with the Dress Code endorsed beanie.
The new house scarves are coming soon!
Principal Class Team
Sharon Grimes, Principal
John Munro, Assistant Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Darren Murray, Acting Assistant Principal