
HSC Timetable link now accessible
Here is the link to NESA where you can access the 2019 HSC timetable.
Don't forget you can log into your student online account where you can get your personalised timetable. Access to this is easily found on our Careers Website under the HSC/ROSA tab.... Students Online Access.
You will need your Student NESA Number to access this. All Year 12 students should have already activated this account with Mrs Williams in your Career Interviews.
Any questions see Mrs Williams in the Caeeers Room.
Year 12 students made the most of CWCAA FACTS day held in Bathurst at CSU on Friday May 3, exploring thier career pathway options at the Careers market and attending a UAC or VET seminar. As always, there were awesome students to hang out with for the day!
Western Sydney Careers Expo 27 - 30 June 2019
Job Jump
UNSW Coop Scholarships Now Open- Finance, IT, Engineering
Closes 30 September
Beyond the placement opportunities, Co-op also provides a professional development program which assists scholars to prepare for and make a smooth transition to the workplace as well as develop the graduate attributes that differentiate them from other students. UNSW Co-op Program scholars receive between 9 and 18 months structured Industry Experience and gain valuable work experience with up to four different sponsors.
Main site here:
Apply here:
UTS Law Undergrad Info Evening
27 June. 5.30pm to 8.00pm
Haymarket, Building 5, Block B, Ground Floor, 1-59 Quay St, Haymarket, Sydney
Discover why studying at UTS will give you an edge! This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students, and their parents. Careers advisers and teachers are also welcome to attend. Registrations essential here:
UTS Engineering and IT Outreach with Partner Schools - Summer 2020 School
January 2020
A week-long Summer School program sees students learn about engineering and information technology, and participate in range of workshops in areas such as robotics, games development and networking. These workshops are run with the help of students from within the faculty. Call: 02 9514 1084
UTS Engineering and IT Outreach with Partner Schools – On Campus Workshops
July and September school holidays
The Faculty of Engineering and IT participates in the U@Uni is an outreach program that works with partner schools primarily located in South West Sydney. As a key component of the UTS Widening Participation Strategy (WPS), this program values and seeks to increase the diversity in tertiary education by inspiring and enabling high school students from low socio-economic (low SES) and/or Indigenous backgrounds to attend university.
Call: 02 9514 1084
Update - STAR Early Offer Program at Southern Cross University
Applications open on 1 May
Closes on 13 September
STAR Early Offer program at Southern Cross University allows students to receive an offer into any undergraduate degree on the basis of current grades and Principal’s recommendation. Study at one of our three campuses or online. Offers are released after HSC exams but prior to HSC results. For more information visit:
Pharmacy Scholarships - Plan for your future
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme (ATSIPSS)
Rural Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme (RPSS)
Intern Incentive Allowance for Rural Pharmacies
Rural Intern Training Allowance
Rural Pharmacy Student Placement Allowance
Your free guide to make it into Pharmacy
We asked two community pharmacists what they love about their job. For Dr Kenny Lee, it was the variety of being a pharmacist, academic and volunteer. For Toni Riley, it was being involved in the RUM (Return Unwanted Medicines) Initiative which has been the catalyst for the environmentally friendly disposal of over 8,000,000kg of medicines. Pharmacists can literally save a life by ensuring that the combination of medications a patient is taking will not cause harm or even death.
Study In USA Fair
6 May. 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Redlands School
Students and parents welcome. RSVP essential. The fair will feature presentations, including from the College Board who are visiting for the first time. 25 universities will be there including NYU, University of Pennsylvania, UC Berkeley and Boston University.
University of Sydney - Year 10 Information Evening - James Ruse Agricultural High School
23 May. 6.00pm to 8.00pm
James Ruse Agricultural High School, 17-31 Felton Road, Carlingford
How does scaling work? What should you consider when selecting your subjects for Year 11 and 12? What are prerequ