Principal's News

Good afternoon,

In this current period it is important that we take time to slow down and reflect and give time to our spiritual selves.  The reflection this week comes from Pope Francis.

Good on You Mum

This Sunday is one of the most important days of the year when we give thanks for beautiful Mums.  That special person who gave us life and brought us into the world.  Be on the lookout tomorrow when a special surprise will be shared by email with you tomorrow afternoon. 


O Loving Lord,

You have created mothers in love and blessed them with children.

As they work tirelessly to support their families may they be showered with your blessings.

Give mothers strength to exercise compassion as they live each day under your care.

May those who are joined in your love, support mothers by their fervour of spirit and devotion to prayer.



We thank you, O Lord, for the gift of Motherhood.

May those blessed with children be granted the gifts of courage, perseverance and good health.

May they face each new day with faith and hope in your abiding love.

May all families find in the strength of your love

The priceless gift of peace

And so bear witness to your glory.



Wellbeing resource from School TV

As parents it is important that during this time at home with your children that you set the emotional tone.  We are living in different times and I do understand that what happens in each family regarding their organizational life can differ.  As Mums and Dads be gentle with yourselves and take time out to be playful with your children, be a family that moves and is engaged with the outside world, laugh and find a jolt of joy everyday.  Our children will have a range of presentations and this is to be expected.

Signs to look out for at these time in your children

Frequent unexplained tantrums

Unusual fears

Difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep

Persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness

Avoidance communication or avoidance on or offline 

Refusing to go to school or outings

Unable to get on with siblings

Hyperactive behavior or irregular plating

Disinterest or decline in academic performance

Frequent and aggressive reactions

Difficulty with concentration, attention and organization

Or any other changes from their usual behaviour

Therefore we need to help our children focus on what they can control, which is their learning, diet, exercise and sleep.  At the end of this period, our children may emerge a little more resilient.  Please view the following Special Report from Dr Michael Carr Gregg, Child and Adolescent Psychologist

Special Report 1:

This has been placed by Georgia McNamara on the Remote Learning portal.


Home and onsite learning programs  

Can I draw to your attention the Recommended Additions to School Operating Models from the the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria,(CECV)  the transition to flexible and remote learning. 


The learning program delivered onsite should be the same as the learning program delivered to students undertaking remote learning.  The CECV recommends the following daily minimum guidelines for schools to follow:


 For students in Prep to Year 2, schools should provide learning programs that include the following: 

  • literacy activities that take a total of about 45–60 minutes
  • numeracy activities of around 30–45 minutes
  • additional learning areas, play-based learning and physical activity of about 30–45 minutes.


For students in Years 3 to 6 and Years 7 to 10, schools should provide learning programs allocated as follows: 

  • literacy: 45–60 minutes
  • numeracy: 30–45 minutes
  • physical activities: 30 minutes
  • additional curriculum areas: 90 minutes.


For students in the senior secondary years, teachers should provide learning resources and tasks that enable students to develop and demonstrate the learning outcomes defined in the relevant VCE study designs and VCAL strands.


You will have noticed that our St James teachers have invested a great deal of time, energy and passion into providing an exciting educational program.  They are extremely professional and we are indeed grateful for how they are supporting each and every child.   I bring to your attention the suggested times and the many additional hours spent in preparing the learning activities for a remote learning model.  This week is Teacher Appreciation Week.  


Good things are happening

We can be flattened emotionally by what is occuring in our world at the moment however there are strong signals of the strength of the human spirit.


Social Justice responses and adult modelling add to the formation of our children, who are our future citizens.


Recently I heard of a parents' business, Second Bite.  During the BushFire Crisis in January they donated over $60k of short shelf-life product to assist the ravaged communities.


Now with the CoronaVirus Pandemic, Monde Nissin has donated it’s Warehouse’s to act as a Cross Dock for the $0.5mil that Coles are donating each week and their transport partner ColdREX, are performing the deliveries.


Internet Reminder

Could I remind all children and parents to not share your passwords with other children.  It is important that the safety and an individual's work is not compromised.  


Parents please share the following


Student Acceptable Use Agreement

Signing or granting permission via CareMonkey signifies that you agree to and will adhere to the terms outlined in this policy.


Using the Network and Online Spaces


When using the network at St James Primary School, I agree that I will: 

follow teacher directions at all times when using devices and logged into Google Accounts

not intentionally damage the computers or the network in any way

not attempt to use a password other than my own to access the network or email account

not provide my network password to other students

not interfere with the network by installing any software, apps, shareware, or freeware

report any issues or malfunctions related to hardware or the malfunction of GSuite applications 

When I use digital technologies I will communicate respectfully, by ensuring that what I write or post is polite and respectful.

This means:

never posting/mailing/messaging anything that could offend or upset someone else 

never sending mean or bullying messages or passing them on

reporting anything you receive that you feel is inappropriate

not copying someone else’s work or ideas from the internet and presenting them as my own. 

When I use digital technologies I will protect myself by being aware that my personal information is not to be shared online.

This means:

never using my full name 

protecting my password and not sharing it with others

only joining a space online with my parent or teacher’s guidance and permission 

never answering questions online that ask for my personal information