News from our Classrooms
Prep News
Welcome to Prep 2018! The Prep students have started school full of enthusiasm and they are quickly settling into the routines of school life.
Today is Day 11 as we count towards 100 Days of Prep and considering they have only been at school for eleven days, they are to be congratulated for such a smooth transition to their formal education.
The Prep students have enjoyed getting to know their Year 6 Buddies and last Tuesday both the Preps and the Year 6 students loved eating pancakes together and reading the "Pancake" poem.
Over the past couple of weeks, our focus has been to introduce the St Fidelis School Rules to the Prep students. They have become very familiar with the language of the rules and they have been trying to follow the rules and reminding each other of the importance of the rules. We would like all Prep students to be at school before the first bell rings at 8.45am so that they can be organised for the day ahead. Please encourage your child to be a Self Manager and allow them to organise their things and unpack their bag by themselves each morning.
The Prep teachers love to see parents and grandparents visiting the classrooms each day. The students enjoy showing and talking about their latest learning.
Year 1/2 News
What a great start to Year 1/2, the students have settled in very well! The 1/2 students have worked hard to set up their prayer space. They have written meaningful prayers to say before class and at the end of the day.
In Literacy, the students are practising read to self and read to someone strategies. They are writing interesting recounts about their holidays.
In Inquiry, the students have brainstormed what good collaborators do in preparation for our excursion this Wednesday.
In Numeracy, students are learning some mental strategies such as counting on 0, 1, 2, 3. They are focussing on skip counting using the 100s chart and learning of variety of games to improve their mental computation strategies.
Year 3/4 News
Welcome to our new school year. The children have had a great start to 2018 and are now well and truly settled in their new classes. After a nice long holiday break, they all seem happy to be catching up with their old friends and getting to know their new classmates.
This term we will be focussing on our School Rules and encouraging the children to always show respect to one another. The teachers have been very impressed that the children are making good choices both in the classroom and the playground.
Our Religious Education and Inquiry question is “How do we make responsible decisions which are fair for all?” The children have just started to investigate how and why decisions are made in different situations and for different groups of people. We were very fortunate to have Lizzie Blandthorn MP come to talk to the children about the three levels of government in Australia and how laws are debated in the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament. Our Social Justice Day also helped the children to reflect on the decisions they make and how their decisions have an impact on the lives of those around them. The children were encouraged to see that we have a responsibility to care for God’s creations and to make sure that everyone in our world has a fair share of what we have been given.
We look forward to your continued support in what will be a fantastic year ahead!
Year 5/6 News
The Year 5/6 students have made a super start to 2018. They are displaying positive attitudes to their work, and showing that they can be excellent self-managers by staying on task and focused while working.
The students can collaborate well in groups and listen to others opinions and ideas in a respectful manner. Many students are displaying great responsibility, independence and initiative now that they are in Year 5/6 and we strongly encourage this to prepare them for secondary school.
This week the students are receiving homework which is due in two weeks time. Please ensure you read the homework policy and read through the homework sheet with your child to make sure they understand all tasks. It is important for students to come back to the teacher early if they do not understand a task. Please listen to your child read at least four times over the two weeks, stopping and asking them questions as they read. Students needs to bring their diaries to and from school every day and parents need to sign them.
We look forward to continued learning and terrific choices from all of the 5/6 students.